Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Update - Downton Abbey and Jezebel

I have been really bad at updating! That will stop from now on!
Things have been really hectic. I've been working on 2 short films, and it's all been going on in the last two weeks. Unfortunately the shoot for The Equestrian has been pushed back due to one of the actors not being available. Possibly shooting now mid-August.
In the meantime I've been back to Downton Abbey to do a couple more days helping out in the Art Department there. I actually didn't update about that the last time I went there! Was so cool, got to see all the downstairs sets and servants quarters! Just doing general set dressing/tidying, made looads of rice and flour bags and last week lots of christmas crackers and afew other small props-hope you get to see them on TV! 
I can't put any photos up as it's all top secret. Was just really good to be in an Art Department and got to meet some new lovely people.

Last weekend was the shoot for Jezebel a short film by Eavesdrop Films a new production company located in Oxford. I think I mentioned in a previous post I was Production Designing for them. I was pretty nervous as this was my first time being the designer! Went really well though and I was so pleased with the final set, was amazing to see it on camera with all the lighting. Couldn't of done it all though without the help of the wonderful Amy Cox!
Again I'm unable to put up any photos due to it being top secret but when I can I will put them up :D

Today I'm just having a day off as I'm completely shattered and I still haven't managed to do everything I wanted to!

This is quite short but I will endeavour to update more in the future :)